Global Clinical Hypnotherapist, Writer, Speaker, and Energetic Healing Practitioner


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Global Clinical Hypnotherapist, Writer, Speaker, and Energetic Healing Practitioner


"I show my scars so that others know they can heal"

Caroline Clarke intuitively heals from the heart. She is a global clinical hypnotherapist, a writer, speaker and energetic healing practitioner, coaching her clients through a deep, nurturing and beautiful transformational awakening process. Caroline stands for every woman and man who is currently seeking their way out of a hopeless situation. It is her mission to awaken families to the negative impacts of inter-generational trauma. Caroline believes that in order to be free, you need to undo the old wounds, patterns and beliefs from your ancestors, to fully embrace and embody that who you are is whole, abundant, good enough and worthy.

Caroline believes that your children are called into your life for specific reasons to teach you patience, calm and compassion, humility, joy, presence, courage, boundaries and self reflection. Your children have bestowed you the privilege of raising their spirits - do this with awareness and diligence. Caroline’s mission is to spiritually, mentally and emotionally free the younger generation, so that they can be themselves, minus the layers of inherited baggage that is unequivocally seeding, manifesting, cycling and repeating. The next generation will inherit your fear and sadness if you do not find a way to recover. You can be the cycle breaker.

Caroline’s purpose is to help her clients to let go of suffering, reclaim their self-worth, discover the true meaning of life, and find the courage to seek and accomplish what they wholeheartedly deserve. It is through this letting go process that clients energetically gift their families with the sacrificial act of freedom. Liberation to live life purposefully and joyfully with an abundant flow of unconditional love, connection, completeness and fulfilment.

Together we shall rise, as a collective, one soul at a time.

Caroline's Story

Growing up Caroline witnessed emotional and physical pain, torment, and various forms of control in the family home. Caroline watched her mother suffer, gripped by fear, hurt and helplessness. Adulthood became a replica of her mother’s life, albeit played out in a slightly different, yet equally dysfunctional way. Caroline’s mothers suffering became the template for her own suffering, bound by generational trauma, she attracted people who repeatedly devalued and discarded her, reaffirming the feeling of worthlessness and loneliness within.

For the second half of her 20-year marriage, Caroline was trapped in a state of confusion, torment, frustration, and disbelief. Day after day, over a period of a decade she could not see a way out of her heartache. Caroline became sick, depressed, depleted, and foggy, using the distraction of alcohol and shopping as a dampening agent. Her emotional and physical health declined, along with her spirit. She lost her identity, her voice, and her ability to listen to and trust her intuition. 

From the outside her relationship appeared perfect, graced with a beautiful house, a seemingly doting husband, and 4 beautiful boys ranging from the ages of 15 to 6. 

To others it seemed she had it all – but did she? Hiding behind closed doors was a deep feeling of shame around Caroline’s unhappiness and the fear of not being believed when she tried to describe the covert behaviours that were wreaking havoc on her emotional health. After years of debating, Caroline took a courageous leap of faith and decided to end her relationship misery, for the sake of her own well-being, and to model to her four sons the meaning of self-respect and self-preservation.

Caroline left behind the consistency of a secure income, the comfort of physical dependency, and the predictability of tight family unit for her growing sons.

After deeply immersing herself into healing work Caroline re-connected to her sense of self, re-discovered her identity, and experienced what it feels like to live in harmony, with freedom and vitality. Her relationship with her boys strengthened, along with her friendships.

Through Caroline’s own journey from the depths of despair, to finding ultimate freedom she has developed her own unique deep healing modalities to assist others who are currently suffering and are unable to see a way out of their pain. These modalities rapidly elevate and transform people who are experiencing the same anguish.

Caroline wishes to share her experience, her inspiration and her unparalleled healing gifts with the world by offering her deep transformational online programs and her 1 to 1 mentoring.




“Caroline is a rare find. She combines various mastered modalities with not only her incredible intuition, but with her deep compassion & authenticity. Even via Zoom I felt her clam and supportive "realness" envelop around me, keeping me feeling safe. I am so grateful to have found this piece of treasure to help me find my strength, courage and to find me”


"Being a cliche man and apprehensive to open up, I found Caroline connecting and at ease to talk with. Since my session I have had huge personal breakthroughs and growth on an unmeasurable scale. Thank you Caroline for the insight & tools you have given me.”


"I've had two soul cleansing sessions of deep transformational healing with Caroline. She embraced my inner child with deep empathy through her kind and soothing voice and attentive listening ear. I already feel the veil of low self worth and severe anxiety lifting and a stronger, more confident me coming forward. Thank you Caroline for empowering me with your gift."