“Give me a child until he is 7 and I will show you the man.”

May 02, 2022

A child’s unconscious mind is determined in the first 2,555 days of their existence. That’s a confronting factor, right?

While creating a safe environment for our children is essential, imperfect, and unpredictable conditions like early trauma, illness, death, loss, addiction, mental conditions and relationship conflicts are inescapable. Not to mention being predisposed to generational conditioning, parental wounds and thematic patterns. Children are heavily influenced by many energetic, physical and emotional factors that 95% of the time play out behind the scenes, automatically and unconsciously.  

In the first years of life, the brain rapidly develops its mapping system.  

By the age of 7, kids are putting the pieces together

While the first seven years don’t determine a child’s happiness for life, the rapidly growing brain lies down a sturdy foundation for how they communicate and interact with the world by processing how they’re being responded to.

If a child’s emotional needs are not being met during these formative years, there is a loss, such as a loss of security, safety, freedom, trust, worth, deserving or love. Losses like these tend to create emotional voids which as adults our children will seek to fill. Here begins the unhealthy trauma bond connection.

The majority of the clients I see have a profound sense of worthlessness. Due to their lack of feeling seen, heard and validated during early childhood, they became people pleasers, rescuers and fixers, desperate to fill the void of low self-worth. I was also one of those. 

By creating a ‘conscious’ connection with our children, we make space for them to grow as spirited beings. We can only parent consciously when we have done our own work to bring the unconscious wounds and patterns to the surface (into the awareness). We all have wounds - fact. Think back 7 generations and the suffering our ancestors experienced. We are carrying those traumas in our DNA.

By breaking my ancestral trauma ties, I choose to free my sons. And although the first seven years are pivotal, I know by continuing with my own healing and growth, I am continuing to free my children and their children from the emotional traumas they were never theirs to carry.

Give me the boy aged 7…. And I will show you the man

The Enlightened Empath

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