Today I’m going to wrap my arms around you and tell you that it’s going to be okay.

Jun 02, 2022

Today I’m going to hold your hand and remind you that I’ve got your back.

Today I’m going to whisper in your ear ‘you’ve got this - you’re stronger than you think’.

Today I’m going to tell you that all your answers are within - looking outside of yourself is leading you down the wrong road. Today I want you to do a U turn and step foot into your soul.

Today I’m going to tell you that love isn’t the answer, you cannot fix yourself or others in the name of love.

Today I’m going to sit and listen to your innermost fears. I’m going to hold space for you, listen intently to those painful parts that you are longing to remain hidden. Today is about YOU.

Today I’m going to be the one to catch your tears as they roll down your fractured cheeks.

Today I’m going to tell you that you are smart, brave, deserving and worthy.

Today I am going to tell you that I understand how difficult it is to let go of the idealistic future you imagined, however it’s even more difficult staying, and realising that the future you envisaged was just an illusion.

Today I am going to tell you to trust. Trust is the one value you have lost along the way, but if you can trust me, trust me enough to know that you are held and supported, and that your life will be full of possibilities if you can bravely surrender and let go.

Today I am here to tell you that beneath all of that anger and hurt is pure love, forgiveness and compassion.

Today I am here to tell you that you are perfect, loveable, whole, and complete. The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are floating around your inner being, waiting for you to put them together. The time is now my dear.

Today you have a choice, a choice to remain imprisoned in your thoughts, your lack and your misery, or today you can set yourself free.

Today I forgive you. I forgive you for not trusting your inner truth. I forgive you for holding on, clinging to any sign of hope. I forgive you for not speaking up. I forgive you for berating and sabotaging yourself along the way. I forgive you for blaming yourself. I forgive you for not realising that you deserved better. I want to reassure you that this isn’t your fault - it never was.

Today I am going to tell you that you are enough. You were born enough. Nothing that you or others say will add or subtract from who you are.

Today I am going to tell you that you don’t have to prove your goodness to anyone. Proving and justifying who you are to others is a sign you that you have already forgotten your value. Today I am going to tell you that others negative thoughts about you are a reflection of their inner lack and insecurity.

Today I am going to tell you to look at your reflection in the mirror and love what you see. You have been given breath, a life, a purpose and a mission. Live it, breathe it, love it.

Today I am going to give you permission to write the next charter of your life. What will it read…?

The Enlightened Empath

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